Category: Christianity

The myth of Tai Chi Chuan

Did Tai Chi exist before 1850? In this episode we begin a new series of episodes on this subject by setting the scene and historical background to the mythmaking around the origins of Tai Chi that occurred starting from the middle of the Nineteenth Century in response to social turmoil and unrest exemplified by the Taiping Rebellion and Opium Wars.

The 98th Regiment of Foot at the attack on Chin-Kiang-Foo (Zhenjiang), 21 July 1842, effecting the defeat of the Manchu government. Watercolour by military illustrator Richard Simkin (1840–1926).

#35 Thales and the Milesian School

We head at last to Ancient Greece, and look at the attempts of Thales to challenge the miasma of his time.
We also discuss how he agreed with (or perhaps even originated the ideas of) Genesis in a way that modern Christians generally don’t.

Listen to “#34 The Heretics Bible: Genesis 3” on Spreaker.

#33 Dead Sea Scrolls

(Image of the cave where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in Qumran, via BBC.)

The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls revealed that Jesus and Christianity were much less unique developments than previously thought. In this episode we start to explore these ancient documents and what they can tell us about the origins of both Christianity and Judaism.

Listen to “#33 Dead Sea Scrolls” on Spreaker.

#27 The Heretics Bible: Genesis I

Fifth Day of Creation (from the 1493 Nuremberg Chronicle) By Hartmann Schedel – Self-scannedlanguage: Latin, Public Domain,

The Book of Genesis disagrees in many ways with both modern Christianity and modern Judaism. It also incorporates many earlier traditions, including those of Mesopotamia, and even China. This is the originally intended first episode of the Heretics Podcast (before we got sidetracked).

Podcast link.

Listen to “#27 The Heretics Bible: Genesis I” on Spreaker.

Categories: China Christianity
